empire avenue solutionsWhat do (e)DUPS, (e)TINMILK, (e)RICEAV, (e)BGRIER, (e)MILLER, (e)MIKEM, (e)TOM, (e)MGRILLS, (e)NARSIMHAM, (e)TODDY, (e)NITH, (e)WRITER, and (e)KALLIR have in common?

For one thing, they are a part of the Empire Avenue team. For another, all of their EAv profiles show little or no activity (with the notable exception of  Brent Knowles (e)WRITER).

Even the official Empire Avenue account (e)EAV has no activity.

Sadly only Brad Grier and Brent Knowles seem to use social media at all any more.

Two Problems

There are two major problems with the EAv team not using their own site.

  1. Lack of first-hand experience. Without using the site, how can they know what what works well and what’s frustrating? Which tools are useful and which aren’t? Can you imagine the iPhone team at Apple using some other phone (or none at all) or the Windows team at Microsoft having Macs on their desks?
  2. Lack of faith. EAv calls itself “social media rocket fuel.” They claim it augments the power of your social media marketing. What does it say when neither the individual team members nor the company itself uses their own site?

If EAV wants to survive, their staff needs to demonstrate they believe in the value of their own site.

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Read & vote on all the recommended improvements at 12 Critical Improvements Empire Avenue Should Make