michael-q-toddHey guys, one of our fellow EAvers, Michael Q Todd has been arrested and is begin held in a Japanese prison.

Michael was visiting Taiji, Japan on Sunday September 16th, location of the imfamous killing cove where thousands of dolphins and whales are brutally captured and slaughtered every year. He was hired an interpreter for a Canadian documentary.

Michael was asked by police to produce his passport and apparently his visa had run out. He was in the process of trying to get his visa extended and because the paper work has been misplaced by the Japanese Government and he had no documents, the police arrested him.

Michael is in serious need of legal help!

Jackie Bigford  has jumped into action and organized a fund-raising and awareness campaign.

At this point, there are 3 things you can do to help Michael:

  1. Pray for him – for strength and encouragement through the ordeal and that it would be resolved quickly with no long term negative effects.
  2. Donate – to help with the legal costs. Even if it’s just $10, if 1000 of us donate $10 we’ll get this done!
  3. Spread the word – share this post and/or a link to the fund-raising campaign

Cudos to (e)REZAAHMED(e)AMANDAHILL and (e)BERRIEPELSER who are already running EAv missions to spread awareness and encourage others to donate and spread the word.  After I get this posted, I’ll be launching a mission as well. Update: 5,000e for those who donate. (Please don’t take the eaves unless you actually give.)

This is what social media and Empire Avenue is all about!

If you’ve ever thought that EAv is just a game or social media is just a bunch of people who pump up their own ego, credibility or Klout score, this is your opportunity to make a real world difference using EAv and social media.

The true value of social media is in making connections and using your influence to do good and help others.

Thanks for using your money and influence to help Michael!

Paul ~~> (e)PDSTEIN